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Education in rural entrepreneurship through producing and valorising of medicinal and aromatic plants (REMAP)

Source of funding

Erasmus+ (KA2)

Scientific leader

Dina Popluga

Project webpage




35 018 EUR

Project description

Project aims to create opportunities for rural people, including disadvantaged groups, to develop innovative teaching instruments in order to raise the education rate in rural areas, to develop new entrepreneurial skills and competences and contribute to the establishment of small/subsidence/or family farms in communities with fewer opportunities.


  • Developing rural entrepreneurship and increase employment opportunities and self-employment in rural areas through education in producing and valorising of medicinal and aromatic plants;
  • Developing innovative training materials designed to facilitate the inclusion of disadvantaged groups, which includes demonstrations, photos, video recordings/movies, data sheets, best practices and new technologies that allows to provide education in an accessible and understandable manner at EU level in different social context;
  • Disseminating the intellectual outputs achieved through the project to 1300 specialists, professionals, stakeholders.

Project partners

  • Eco Herbal I.S. (lead partner), Romania
  • Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (LBTU), Latvia
  • Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA), Germany
  • Association of Consultants and Experts on Scial Economy Romania (ACE-ES RO), Romania
Submitted on: Tue, 12/03/2019 - 16:36